Stephanie Plaza

About Stephanie Plaza

Stephanie Plaza had always dreamt of becoming a real estate agent and in October 2020, that dream became a reality! Right away, Stephanie knew this was the best decision she ever made because she immediately found a love for the industry and for helping her clients achieve their real estate goals! She’s determined and on her way to becoming a top-producing REALTOR by listening to her clients and guiding them down roads that are truly best for them! Having spent her whole life living in Connecticut, she has a good understanding and knowledge of the area, which is a valuable asset for her clients. She understands the importance of building lasting relationships and putting personal care into the work she does.  When you work with Stephanie, you are in good hands!

You’ve been in the business for quite some time. What made you decide to switch to Lamacchia Realty?

“The incredible training Lamacchia Realty offers, but most importantly the culture!”

Giving clients the best possible service is every REALTOR®’s goal. How does Lamacchia Realty better help you serve your clients?

“The entire company as a whole offers a tremendous amount of support to create a strong foundation. The consistent training to better prepare me for not only the current market, but the market to come. Knowledge is key.”

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

“Spending time with my family! My two daughters Emmie and Amelia and of course my husband EJ.”

What is your favorite part of your job?

“The end result! When a client is so beyond happy to be in the home they love!”

Do you have any pets?

“Yes! A beagle- Brucie!”

Do you have a favorite charity?

“Children’s hospital.”

What’s your favorite sport to play or watch?

“To watch would be football!”